Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Real Day of College

I had my first day of classes today, and it was honestly really chill. I woke up at 7:40am, got ready, went downstairs to eat breakfast with a friend, and strolled to class. I got out at 10am, and strolled to my next class. I got out at 11, and strolled back to my dorm. I mean, how much more chill can you get than that?

Oh. Wait.

At lunch (around 12pm)...
KNguyen: Hey, so what class are you guys headed off to after lunch?
KWu: Erm...I'm done with class.
Jialin: Erm...I haven't started.

Wow. HAHA.

My Spanish class later that day was 95% white people. Before class, this girl was like, "So are all of you rushing?" *everyone nods* And another girl says, "Yeah, dude, I've only met 4 girls who aren't rushing. I mean, what the hell is up with that?"

Can you say, cultural differences?

Funniest random moment from yesterday:
So Tim and I are hanging out with two friends in our room. Kevin Wu is also in the room, and he's brushing his teeth. Brian suddenly rushes in.


Brian (to the two friends): "Oh, hi, I'm Brian."

Funniest icebreaker line ever.


Loris S. said...

I really lol'd at the icebreaker story. That was hilarious. I'm excited to visit!

regina said...

loris when are you visiting?! take me with you HAHA