Monday, November 24, 2008

Arcadia Festival of Bands

First thing's first: November 12 marked the 6-month anniversary of my blog. A bit delayed, but whatevers. -cue fireworks-

Okay, some thoughts on the Arcadia Festival of Bands:
-It feels kinda awkward to be ogled at by all the color guard girls
-AHS's marching band has a wonderful sound, but marching isn't that great
-I am so proud of my (used to be mine) horn section. GREAT JOB
-Congrats to Andrew Park for winning the Mace Drum Major division for the second year in a row! ...and for beating out the Military Drum Major winner as well!

Basically, I was really glad to see my old marching band play, and it was really interesting to be in the competition from a spectator's point of view, as opposed to a performer's, as I had been one for the past 4 years. It was also cool to see Arcadia High School march for the first time. Since I was a performer for the past 4 years, I never had the chance to see AHS's "legendary" band perform. After the parade, I was glad that so many of the younger people in band still remembered me. I'm not gonna lie, it was a special feeling to see all these people yelling, "OMG IT'S KEVIN." Although, I did get kinda tired of telling each person how college was different from high school. But generally, I enjoyed catching up with friends who I haven't seen in SO long.

Time to introduce a new tool: ScEne Creation REcall Time (SECRET). HAHA this is so lame. But basically, sometimes I forget to take pictures of a scene I want to remember later. So here is SECRET #1 (around 10:10am):

1. I encounter WHS Marching Band at the overpass.
2. I wait under the bridge.
3. All the color guard girls turn their heads and stare.
4. Someone whispers, "KEVIN!"
5. I turn to look.
6. "OMG. TEEHEE HI KEVIN." Other color guard girls follow suit and ogle.
7. I slowly look away, towards the band.
8. Band passes by. Mr. England sees me.
9. Mr. England: "Hey, you look familiar!"

End of SECRET #1.

Elton picked me up from Bryant's house after the awards ceremony, and we went to watch the field show competition for the first time (for me). It was such an amazing experience. I have to admit it, the top competitors surpass USC's marching band in terms of precision. I loved the originality and skill level of each of the class 6A bands (that's all I saw, and those are usually the top bands anyways).

Notable thoughts of the field show:
-Field show color guards have so many more toys than WHS's color guard does! I saw Riverside King's color guard use this hollowed-out crescent as well as a saber. Rancho Bernardo's color guard used this strange 3-rod contraption (so much for descriptiveness HAHA), and Mt. Carmel's color guard used this 4-disc thingamajig.
-Chino's color guard was the best that I have EVER seen. They performed with such grace and precision. How the hell can a spread-out formation of girls twirl the flags in complete unison?! The outermost girls are 100 yards apart, and they're still together! Plus, in this one extremely compact circle formation, all the girls (around 30) threw up their rifles in complete unision as well. Even the way the rifles spun in the air was in unison! How do you accomplish such a feat in a tiny compact formation?!
-I really liked El Dorado's sound. They were really jazzy, and it was cool to see a marching band accomplish that. Props for the electric guitar!

I'm extremely happy right now. For an obvious reason. :D


Jeanyoung said...

ahh kevin!
it was so nice to see you! tehe
and yes. now i know you read my blog. puahaha :]

Kristen said...

hahaha mr england said something similar to me at la palma. 'hey i know you!' and i sat next to mrs kesinger to watch the block.

i miss band, but i dont miss marching!
ahs has more fun cadences

Allan said...

its not just mr. england
i said that too to myself...that guy wearing that USC shirt looks familiar...i just can't remember where i met him before hhaha