Friday, December 26, 2008


Pre-post note: I finally realized that, regarding blogging, I experience peaks and valleys. There are times where I am so enthusiastic about making posts, that I wish I could make multiple posts each day. Other times, I feel so lethargic about doing so, and a week would pass before I'd feel obligated to post. I am currently going through a valley.

Pre-post note #2: How much longer must I continue blogging before I feel the need to take a peek into my life of the past (a.k.a. reading my early posts)? I suppose 7 months isn't long enough. Perhaps in a year...

Alright, other people have said it, and I'm not exception; Christmas definitely snuck up on me this year. I keep thinking it's because it doesn't snow here, but then again, it didn't snow in SoCal 10 years ago either. Perhaps studying for finals killed the Christmas mood. Perhaps I was just sitting there waiting for the mood to come to me. Whatever the case, I'll try harder to get in the mood next year.

I spent my Christmas with relatives in San Diego. It was funny; I tried to get them in the Christmas spirit by putting on Christmas music, but they always switched the stereo to Vietnamese music. So much for that.

I watched a Blu-Ray movie for the first time while at my relatives' house. It was The Dark Knight. Honestly, the quality isn't THAT much better.

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