Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Point and Shoot, Point and Shoot

I made a new friend at a Bio review session. Her name's Nicole, and she's from Hawaii. Great, that makes about the 25th Hawaiian person I've met at USC. The session ended at around 9, and since we were like the only two people who haven't eaten dinner yet, we went to get food at EVK. And there, she fed me what is perhaps the strangest sandwich ever.

1. Raisin bread
2. Mayonnaise
3. Mayonnaise with sun-dried tomatoes
4. Mustard
5. Tomatoes
6. Ham

I think it was this sandwich that bloated my stomach to unexplainable reaches. On top of that, I had to walk with that stupid food baby all the way back to Parkside. It was without doubt the most painful yet most laughable walk across campus I've had so far. Back at Parkside, I experienced my first food baby sneeze. It was freaking PAINFUL. What followed was half an hour of clutching my food baby while kneeling next to the toilet, wanting to rid myself of the pain by puking, but not quite wanting to give up. Then I got to spawl on a chair for another hour, during which my suitemates actually thought I'd died.

Next followed a wonderful conversation:
12:04:24 AM [censored]: okay so you know how you have
12:04:29 AM
[censored]: sympathetic/parasympathetic
12:05:05 AM
[censored]: so parasympathetic is involved in erection
12:05:11 AM
[censored]: and sympathetic is involved in ejaculation
12:05:22 AM
[censored]: so Parasympathetic = point
12:05:27 AM
[censored]: and Sympathetic = shoot
12:05:31 AM
[censored]: point and shoot
12:05:31 AM
[censored]: HAHAHAHA


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