Slumdog Millionaire
It was about freaking time I watched it. Roaring Tiger had been raving about it since December, goodness gracious. Chenu had a *illegal* copy on his computer, so we hooked it up to a TV in the lounge and had a movie night. It was absolutely wonderful, and it truly deserved Best Picture. The actors were funny and genuine, and grasped my utmost attention for the entirety of the film. On top of that, the soundtrack was fitting and definitely contributed to the movie's themes and moods. In fact, I have the entire soundtrack on my computer now.
Valentine's Day (February 14, 2009)
Yay for being my first non-Single Awareness Day. At first, the plan was to go to Macaroni Grill and watch Benjamin Button afterwards. Unfortunately, complications led to us going to Daikokuya for dinner...with my parents. Thankfully, dinner wasn't awkward at all, and I'm sure my parents like her, at least a bit. The fact that Daikokuya was located inside a SUPERMARKET added to the comedic feel. Nonetheless, the ramen was still as delicious as ever. After dinner, we watched/finished My Sassy Girl. Overall, I had a wonderful day; I hadn't been so happy in quite a while, especially in the midst of an academic hell week-and-a-half back at USC.
Details of my hell week:
February 5: Chemistry midterm
February 11: GEOG 100 essay due
February 13: WRIT 140 essay due
February 13: Biology midterm
Okay, back to VDay. My gift for Roaring Tiger (her reaction... <333):
Dance Marathon (February 21-22, 2009)
I sorely needed a break from my intense studies (seriously, to many I've completely disappeared off the face of the Earth this semester), so I decided to attend Dance Marathon, a 16-hour event in which the proceeds go to the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. While I'm glad my $15 went to a good cause, I found to actual event to be a near waste of time. The venue (the basketball courts of the Lyon Center) was far too large when attendance wasn't extraordinary. Essentially, the density of dancers was much too low, resulting in a negative dancing environment. Still, it was fun attempting to emulate the overwhelming white population. Watch this:
This is essentially what I saw at DM. HAHAHA. So funny.
Southland Pre-Health Conference (February 22, 2009)
Such a fail morning:
8:15am: Unwillingly woke up (I got back from DM at 4am the night before).
8:40am: Left with Bryant; went to Parkside to get breakfast; distraught when we realized that Parkside didn't open until 10am.
9:00am: Got back to our suite; decided to watch random TV shows (the conference started at 9:30am)
9:30am: Arrived at the conference; distraught when we found out the actual conference didn't start until 10am (9:30-10 was a breakfast reception); sat outside the building like bums to pass the time
10:05am: Went back inside, only to find that everyone was gone; went downstairs to get to the opening address; instead, found that everyone was leaving --> we missed the entire opening address
10:10am: Went back to Parkside to eat breakfast
Yes indeed. Fail morning.
Famous Chicken
I found a really funny video recently. Here it is:
I'm REALLY hooked on his music right now. Adri introduced me to it a few days ago, and I LOVE it. His music is so beautiful, and makes me feel like I'm living a Korean drama.
Kiss The Rain (String Ver.) - Yiruma
1 comment:
i have yet to see slumdog. i just been sooooo busy. next week. (i am going to do a lot next week. SPRING BREAK I'M COMING...)
I'm glad you had a good valentines. I spent a good chunk of mine with Calvin+family too. Doesn't the world feel just right when your family is getting along with your sig.other? I was actually surprised to read that, considering past stories concerning your parents. Good for you :D What a cute card! Looks like it took a long time. Those cupcakes... look pretty fail. But I'm sure they tasted good and its the thought that counts :) I tend to make things that look good and taste terrible ^-^ Reminds me of the time that Ashton made 4th of july cupcakes and put blueberries on the tops but she only put two so they looked like eyes...
KOLLABORATION FTW! you missed out! tim was thanking me up and down for his free ticket lol. it was very last minute, but so worth it.
i like yiruma too, but its a good thing youre NOT living a korean drama :D
it really was a multimedia masterpiece. why are my comments always SO long??
cyauloph! (from now on i'm going to write the word verification words in my comments. they are so funny!)
PS - download the program Mojo. you wont regret it.
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