Obama inauguration (January 20, 2009; HAHA yes, it indeed has been that long)
SO many things to say about this. I got up at 9am to watch the inauguration...ON MY COMPUTER. I find it really interesting that merely a decade ago, such a monumental event was reserved for the television set, a tradition for the family to share. In contrast, that morning, I was able to stream the inauguration online, from hulu.com. Regarding the inauguration as a speech, I didn't find it to be particularly special; Obama lacked key phrases that shall ring through history, as JFK and Abraham Lincoln were able to achieve (mentioned in an earlier post). However, as an event, the inauguration was remarkable; Obama conveyed his boundless energy that this nation so sorely needs. In addition, it was interesting that he made no mention of evildoers, and seldom if not never mentioned the famous Bushism "war on terror." To me, this was a symbol of reconciliation to he who would "unclench [his] fist." Finally, a final quote from Obama's speech to conclude this dreadfully long recap: "Know that you will be judged of what you can build, not what you can destroy."
Sunday Dilbert (January 25, 2009)

Dilbert is freaking hilarious.
Homecoming (January 23, 2009)
First time going to Homecoming as an alumnus. It was really cool to watch the game from such a perspective, especially with a feel-good win against Oxford. After the game, went out to In-N-Out with old friends whom I had not seen in FOREVER. I was really glad to be able to talk to them again.
Laughter (January 26, 2009)
12:56:02 AM Kevin Nguyen: soo i currently have a 3-foot samurai sword on my lap
12:56:09 AM Kevin Nguyen: and i momentarily forgot how it got there
12:56:10 AM Kevin Nguyen: hahahaha
12:56:33 AM Justin T.: is that USC talk for penis
This guy can really make me laugh.
2 phones
In a two-week span in January, I went from owning a Motorola Krzr (old phone) to obtaining a Blackberry Curve, then to trading it in for an LG Dare. I couldn't keep the Blackberry because my parents found out about the data plan, something they weren't willing to pay. :(
ALRIGHT this concludes my January update. Time to write up Febuary's equally-deserving post.
Note: Notice how I'm inserting two spaces between sentences in place of one? My writing professor told me to start doing so in accordance to the MLA format, so I'm attempting to get used to it. :)
Note #2: It appears that Blogspot re-formatted my post so that the two-spaces-between-sentences is not possible. So much for practicing.
it wasn't THAAAT long. homecoming was fun :) and thats the same reason my parents wouldnt go for the blackberry storm :( my sister even tried to get them to buy it by telling them she didnt want the data plan. i was like, what is the point of the phone without the data plan?! [earlier when i was excited about phones, she had brushed it off with "oh i dont care what phone i get" yeah right. *grumble*] i ended up with the samsung sway and i really like it! LOL at justin, he really is one of the funniest/most interesting people i know. and dont worry about blogspot fixing your double spacing. do it anyway, because youre training your fingers and your mind and that still counts even if it doesnt look the same.
looks like you have a pretty full january :D
I totally backtracked & started checking the double spacing in your blog post after you mentioned it. & the whole time I was checking, I was telling myself, dang he SUCKS! HAHAHA .. until I scrolled down & read that Blogspot totally fixed everything. Then I laughed out loud.
[Note; I don't like submitted typos. Sorry for making you think you had 3 comments, when in reality, there were only 2.]
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