Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Raining Men! Hallelujah!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Clothes Clothes Clothes

I did laundry for the first time at college today. It was so fracking epic. HAHA.

New potential facebook group: "I like to study/socialize with other people in the laundry room!" -_-

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Real Day of College

I had my first day of classes today, and it was honestly really chill. I woke up at 7:40am, got ready, went downstairs to eat breakfast with a friend, and strolled to class. I got out at 10am, and strolled to my next class. I got out at 11, and strolled back to my dorm. I mean, how much more chill can you get than that?

Oh. Wait.

At lunch (around 12pm)...
KNguyen: Hey, so what class are you guys headed off to after lunch?
KWu: Erm...I'm done with class.
Jialin: Erm...I haven't started.

Wow. HAHA.

My Spanish class later that day was 95% white people. Before class, this girl was like, "So are all of you rushing?" *everyone nods* And another girl says, "Yeah, dude, I've only met 4 girls who aren't rushing. I mean, what the hell is up with that?"

Can you say, cultural differences?

Funniest random moment from yesterday:
So Tim and I are hanging out with two friends in our room. Kevin Wu is also in the room, and he's brushing his teeth. Brian suddenly rushes in.


Brian (to the two friends): "Oh, hi, I'm Brian."

Funniest icebreaker line ever.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Little Tokyo!

I went with friends to Little Tokyo today. It was the first time by far at USC that I had a chance to go exploring deep into LA. Honestly, it was a great experience, considering I've been in the bubble of Cerritos for the past 18 years. We ate at this Japanese ramen place. AH it was so good! Definitely one of the best ramen places I've been to in recent memory.

At night, me and my suitemates screamed the lyrics to Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way." We were told to quiet down. HAHA. So we resorted to bboying in a dorm room. It was so hilarious HAHA.

I'm continuing to strengthen my bonds with both my existing and new friends. I absolutely love it.

I still can't quite believe I start class tomorrow.


Hellogoodbye concert was amazing!

1. Posthuman Era: Ehh, they weren't that great.
2. Vogue in the Movement: They were really good, and I love the vocalist. I can't believe I had never heard of them before!
3. The Matches: Okay band, but not that great.
4. Hellogoodbye: AHH SO GOOD. I'm kinda jealous that Tiff and Amanda got both pictures with the entire band and autographs from Forrest Kline. Lucky butts!

The best part of the concert was the dang subwoofers. My leg hairs were freaking SHAKING the entire time, and I could feel my chest vibrating as well. What I didn't enjoy was the mosh pit white kids, who started out in the back of the crowd, and shoved their way to the front.

Other than that, I think I'm establishing stronger bonds with my existing friends, and I'm really happy about that. :]

Saturday, August 23, 2008

College Parties!

College parties are so fracking wild. No joke. North Hall=Sex dorm. It was funny seeing people there who I actually know.

Other than that eye-opening experience, I bonded more with my suitemates and others. I'm pretty content right now.

Friday, August 22, 2008

You did it! You met a white girl!

So today...believe it or not, I made friends with not one, but THREE white girls. My suitemates are so hilarious. They were all giving me high-fives and fist pumps as if I had passed an initiation or something. HAHAHA

So now Brian and I are in a race of manliness to 100 points. I think for now, we've established that meeting a white girl is 10 points.

Kevin: 30 points
Brian: -10 points (he "met" a white girl who turned out to have gone to high school with him -_- that cheater)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

You did it! You're a college boy!

Holy crap. College. I made it. I'm here.

Long story short, I LOVE it here. No joke. My roommates are really awesome; we all clicked so well, almost immediately too. And oh man, we're all Asian too. When we went to the floor meeting, we were like the only Asian group. Someone even congratulated us for gathering an Asian crew so quickly. -_-

So me, Brian, and Kevin (two suitemates, both from Chicago), have a new goal: We're gonna pick up white girls. o.o We tried today at a social activity for our dorm, but we failed miserably. Brian was so hilarious; afterwards, he said: "DUDE GUYS, WE FAILED SO HARD TODAY. Alright, we gotta have a plan of attack for Friday's Welcome Back Dance..."

I'll have an update on that soon...

Anyways, other than that, I'm really happy to be here. I think I'm really going to enjoy it here! :D