Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tell me more

I read up on something fascinating today (from Justine's note, actually -_-): Cuil Theory. Denoted by what I find to be the strangest of symbols (a question mark with an exclamation mark, ), a unit of cuil is defined to be "One Level of Abstraction or Surreality away from the reality of a situation." In other words, Cuil Theory attempts to quantify that which is unquantifiable.


Example: You ask me for a Hamburger.

1 Cuil: if you asked me for a hamburger, and I gave you a raccoon.

2 Cuils: If you asked me for a hamburger, but it turns out I don't really exist. Where I was originally standing, a picture of a hamburger rests on the ground.

3 Cuils: You awake as a hamburger. You start screaming only to have special sauce fly from your lips. The world is in sepia.

4 Cuils: Why are we speaking German? A mime cries softly as he cradles a young cow. Your grandfather stares at you as the cow falls apart into patties. You look down only to see me with pickles for eyes, I am singing the song that gives birth to the universe.

5 Cuils: You ask for a hamburger, I give you a hamburger. You raise it to your lips and take a bite. Your eye twitches involuntarily. Across the street a father of three falls down the stairs. You swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. I give you a hamburger. You swallow and look down at the hamburger in your hands. You cannot swallow. There are children at the top of the stairs. A pickle shifts uneasily under the bun. I give you a hamburger. You look at my face, and I am pleading with you. The children are crying now. You raise the hamburger to your lips, tears stream down your face as you take a bite. I give you a hamburger. You are on your knees. You plead with me to go across the street. I hear only children's laughter. I give you a hamburger. You are screaming as you fall down the stairs. I am your child. You cannot see anything. You take a bite of the hamburger. The concrete rushes up to meet you. You awake with a start in your own bed. Your eye twitches involuntarily. I give you a hamburger. As you kill me, I do not make a sound. I give you a hamburger.

6 Cuils: You ask me for a hamburger. My attempt to reciprocate is cut brutally short as my body experiences a sudden lack of electrons. Across a variety of hidden dimensions you are dismayed. John Lennon hands me an apple, but it slips through my fingers. I am reborn as an ocelot. You disapprove. A crack echoes through the universe in defiance of conventional physics as cosmological background noise shifts from randomness to a perfect A Flat. Children everywhere stop what they are doing and hum along in perfect pitch with the background radiation. Birds fall from the sky as the sun engulfs the earth. You hesitate momentarily before allowing yourself to assume the locus of all knowledge. Entropy crumbles as you peruse the information contained within the universe. A small library in Phoenix ceases to exist. You stumble under the weight of everythingness, Your mouth opens up to cry out, and collapses around your body before blinking you out of the spatial plane. You exist only within the fourth dimension. The fountainhead of all knowledge rolls along the ground and collides with a small dog. My head tastes sideways as spacetime is reestablished, you blink back into the corporeal world disoriented, only for me to hand you a hamburger as my body collapses under the strain of reconstitution. The universe has reasserted itself. A particular small dog is fed steak for the rest of its natural life. You die in a freak accident moments later, and you soul works at the returns desk for the Phoenix library. You disapprove. Your disapproval sends ripples through the inter-dimensional void between life and death. A small child begins to cry as he walks toward the stairway where his father stands.

In other news, I got a free book from Doheny Library today.

The Art of Seduction. YAYAYAYAY.

Of course, you knew that I'm just reading it for laughs. I don't need a manual.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Home for the holidays

...technically, yes. Presidents Day.

I made a startling discovery about my study habits this weekend: When I sit down and just WORK (without any distractions), I reach completion in an astounding amount of time. I had four chapters of bio to read and take notes on, as well as a chapter of chem problems to do. I finished them all this morning. And now I get to play Combat Arms for the rest of the weekend. WHAT JOY.

I watched an awkward combination of movies with my dad yesterday (my mom and brother were in Mission Viejo for MUN): Pineapple Express and Hell Ride. Yepppp.

I just realized that my scrumptious sugar cookies from Wal-Mart expired on Jan. 16. And they're at USC right now. DANG.

Lastly, I now reveal my two favorite quotes of the moment, in celebration of Presidents Day:

1. "With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own." -from JFK's 1961 Inauguration speech.

2. "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." -from Abraham Lincoln's 1865 Inauguration speech, perhaps the greatest speech ever given on American soil.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stop the music

Let it be known that there are two songs I highly dislike right now:

1. Live Your Life - Rihanna: Never a Rihanna fan, and this song really annoys me during the "AY-AY, AY-AY, AY-AY" part.

2. Whatever You Like - T.I.: I love T.I., but "YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU LIKE" repeats itself simply way too many times throughout the song.

Hate me or love me; this is my opinion. Let it be heard.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

2nd Semester!

Alright, schedule time:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Step back in time

Bloody hell, I realized that I haven't made my New Year's resolutions yet. Oh well, better late than never.

1. Be a better son, brother, and friend
2. Preserve the bond with Roaring Tiger
3. Better grades for second semester
4. Find an internship for summer
5. Do not lose focus

Yesterday, I found myself at a high school dance, something I thought I had left behind back in June. It was my high school's Winter Formal, entitled "East of Eden," held at the Hyatt Resort and Spa in Huntington Beach (preview video found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQAkoREAyYE).

1. Fabulous date. Although, we only took a disappointing 4 pictures together. We'll have to work on that xD Furthermore, it seemed that she was sorta holding back, as if she was constantly being watched. I suppose I can understand that; it's the price you pay for going to a school as small as Whitney. Pretty much everyone knows you.
2. Beautiful site. The hotel was GORGEOUS. The beach was a plus as well.

1. Unfamilar with people. The '09 people I hung out with were really friendly, and I did know them from last year, but it just wasn't quite the same as being around '08 people. I'm sure they knew that too; they saw me as a friend, but not quite like an '09 person. It's this special bond you establish with people in your class, and we didn't quite have that bond.
2. DJ. His mixing skills were really good, I'll give him that. However, his music selection was sorely lacking. I couldn't recognize half the music he was playing, and it sucks when you're dancing to music you can't identify.
3. New setup. This year, dinner was located at the actual site, straying from previous years in which attendees had to make their own plans for dinner. I liked the old setup better; this new setup made the dance feel like a dinner party instead.

Overall, I probably didn't enjoy the dance as much as my date did. But it's okay; I know she really enjoyed herself, and that in itself makes me happy. Sometimes, I just have to look beyond my own wants.